
Janne Saarakkala (1972) is a Finnish Director, Writer and Performer with a broad experience in both traditional and experimental ways of making performances, particularly documentary theatre and immersive performances. Besides working for theatres, free groups, independent productions and radio, he is also one of the founder members of Reality Research Center and a published writer. Janne is a member of both Union of Theatre Directors and Dramaturges Finland and The Union of Finnish Writers.
50-vuotishaastattelu, HS 16.7.2022
Contact: janne.saarakkala@kolumbus.fi
Puhuva pää / Talking Head, stream of consciousness solo performance since 2001.
1997 | Master of Arts in Theatre and Drama Department of Directing and Dramaturgy, Theatre Academy, University of the Arts, Helsinki |
1991 | Baccalaureate Minna Canth High School, Kuopio |
Major positions
2001— | Charter Member, Director & Performer of Reality Research Center, Helsinki * Artistic Director 2018—2020 * Writer and Editorial Staff Member of Taiteen paikka (2020), Ice Hole (2015—), Esitys (2007—2017) * Artistic Research Leader with Pilvi Porkola in 2007 * Chairman of Administrative Board 2003—2006, 2015—2016 |
2015—2019 | Artistic Programmer for Riihimäen Teatteri, Riihimäki |
2009—2011 | Theatre Director in Lappeenranta City Theatre, Lappeenranta |
2005—2011 | Charter Member of @work Network, European Performance Research Project |
1999—2000 | Artistic Director of Ylioppilasteatteri, Helsinki |
1997—2000 | Charter Member & Director of Kallio Theatre, Helsinki |
1990—1991 | Member of Kuopio Student Theatre, Kuopio |
Confidental posts
2011— | Chairman of youth theatre project Nuori Näyttämö Advisory Panel |
2017—2022 | Member of Theatre Museum delegates |
2019—2020 | Chairman of Eskus—Performance Center Aministrative Board |
2016—2020 | Member of Dance Theatre Minimi Administrative Board |
2010—2014 | Member of National Council for Theatre |
2012 | Member of Baltic Circle—International Theatre Festival Advisory Panel |
2008—2013 | Member of Union of Theatre Directors and Dramaturges Finland Administrative Board |
2002—2006 | Vice Chairman of Theatre Centre Administrative Board |
2000—2004 | Vice Member of PAND—Artists for Peace of Finland Administrative Board |
Group prizes
2022 | Jätkäsaariteko Honorary Award for Teater Viirus, Jonna Wikstrom and Janne Saarakkala by Jätkäsaari-seura & Jätkäsaari-Ruoholahti Magazine |
2017 | Theatre of the Year 2017 Prize for Riihimäen Teatteri by The Assiciation of Finnish Theatres |
2015 | "Kiitos kotimaisesta näytelmästä" Price for Nuori Näyttämö youth theatre project by Finnish Playwrights and Screenwriters Guild |
2014 | Cultural Magazine Quality Price for Esitys-magazine by Finnish Ministry of Education and Culture |
2010 | TINFO-prize for Communicating Theatre for Esitys-magazine by Theatre Info Finland |
2010 | Honorary Award for Esitys-magazine in Quality Magazines Competition of The Association for Cultural, Scientific and Advocacy Magazines, Kultti |
2008 | Third Prize in manuscript competition of Finnish Institute of Occupational Health about "changes in working life during the last 200 years". Prize texts: Lure—Exhibition of Infinite Possibilities (Pilvi Porkola) & Portrait of a New Worker (Janne Saarakkala), Reality Research Center |
2002 | Theatre State Prize for Reality Research Center |
2012— | Part-time Teacher in directing, radio fiction, workers' theatre and live art in Theatre Academy, University of the Arts, Helsinki |
2011 | Teacher in “Crash Course in Site Specific Performance” at Turku University of Applied Sciences, Theatre Studies, Turku |
2006 | Teacher in “Writing for Stage” -course, Open University, Theatre Academy, Helsinki |
2005 | Tutor in Directing. Theatre Academy, Helsinki & Arts Academy at Turku Polytechnic, Turku |
2001—2003 | KOMteksti project for developing and promoting new Finnish drama; part-time Dramaturge, Workshop Director (2001) and a Personal Dramaturge (2001-2003). KOM-teatteri, Helsinki |
Other works
2020 | Kansa elää näyttämöllä! Exhibition Text Writer. An exhibition celebrating the centennial of Association for Amateur and Professional Theatres in Finland. * Theatre Museum, Helsinki, 2020 * Finnish Labour Museum, Tampere, 2020 |
2015—2016 | Jussi's Last Tape—waypoint report no.1 Director & Cameraman. Video installation. Reality Research Center, Helsinki. * Eskus—Performance Center, Helsinki, 2015 * Myymälä2 Gallery, Helsinki, 2016 * Ars Auttoinen, Padasjoki, 2016recension arvio |
Image: Self portrait 2020